Your Challenge
Your challenge is achieving your goals and objectives in investments while taking into account risk management, governance and compliance.
AT Global can assist you in a broad range of services related to investment activities. Our Consultants will first try to understand the situation, challenges and objectives of you and your company, together with the critical success factors.
We can assist you in:
- Diagnostic review of your investment activities, operations and/or organisational structure
- Defining investment objectives and setting up an investment policy taking into account, depending on the case, elements such as:
- Fiduciary duties of trustees of a pension fund like duty to invest funds solely in the interest of members and beneficiaries and duty of care and prudence
- Capital Adequacy and solvency whether it is for a pension fund, an insurance company, mutual fund, another type of fund or assets
- Understanding the risks involved in your investment responsibilities
- Designing and implementing an investment strategy consistent with your objectives
- Implementing efficient risk management, governance and compliance structures
- Manager Selection, Custodian Selection, Performance Measurement and Performance Monitoring
- Asset Liability Management and ALM Modeling, Cash flow projections
- Setting up or redesigning an operational and organisational structure for the investment function
- Defining vision, mission, role and functions of the Investment Committee and senior management investment positions, including job descriptions
- Preparing a policy and procedures manual for the investment function